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AFSCME consistently fights for and secures better wages, benefits and working conditions. And our work goes far beyond the bargaining table. Take action today.

Staff the Front Lines

Public safety professionals have been bearing the brunt of the short-staffing crisis for too long. Do you have a story about how chronic understaffing has affected your work or personal life? Share it with us today so we can make the case to Staff the Front Lines

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Say No to Private Prisons

Coming together through AFSCME, corrections officers and staff can ensure our work serves the public instead of billionaire CEOs.

Join the fight against private prisons.

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Want to stay informed about our latest union victories across the country, ways to take action and more? Click here to sign up for the AFSCME Roll Call email newsletter. 

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Never Quit

This isn’t just a job. It’s a calling. Nobody does this work to get rich. It’s hard work, and it’s largely unsung. The work matters because it means something to make a community safer. In fact, it means everything. 

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